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The Future Looks Bright: An Important Update from Kathleen

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to announce that after months of diligent work by our search committee and with the approval of our board of directors, Episcopal Impact Fund has hired a new executive director! Christina Alvarez comes to Episcopal Impact Fund from Episcopal Community Services where she serves as senior director of development. Prior to that she was the executive director of the Gubbio Project, which provides sanctuary and services to people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco. I got to know Christina in this capacity and know her to be a capable and passionate leader who will take Episcopal Impact Fund to the next level of impact and influence when I retire in May.

Christina and her wife live in San Francisco. They are members of Grace Cathedral, and their two sons attend the Cathedral School for Boys.

Here is what Christina has to say about her new role leading Episcopal Impact Fund:

"I am honored to join Episcopal Impact Fund at a critically important time for the San Francisco Bay Area. It is an inspiration to be a part of an organization centered in its values of compassion, dignity, inclusivity, and collaboration. I look forward to partnering closely with the Board of Directors and the greater Episcopal Impact Fund community in our efforts to advance solutions to the root causes of poverty in our region."

Christina’s first day at Episcopal Impact Fund will be March 21. She and I will work together over several weeks to ensure a seamless transition. I know that she will reach out to meet as many of our wonderful donors and supporters as possible and will share her vision for Episcopal Impact Fund over the coming months. She can be reached at after March 21.

Please join me in welcoming Christina!

Kathleen Piraino

Executive Director

Episcopal Impact Fund

P.S. We’re as busy as ever during this transitional period! Please join the Impact Fund for:

  • Episcopal Impact Fund Sunday on April 3rd

  • Planned Giving webinar on Thursday, April 7th

  • Evensong honoring outgoing ED Kathleen Piraino at Grace Cathedral on Thursday, May 5th

  • Insights & Impact series on the Power of Advocacy, two dates in May TBD

Check our website for details on these and other upcoming events.

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