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Making an Impact Together for Children and Families Living in Poverty in the Bay Area

Episcopal Impact Fund Announces 2023 Community Grant Cohort

“Episcopal Impact Fund is proud to support organizations providing supportive housing and serving families, children, and youth living in poverty in the Bay Area. We are deeply grateful for the innovative work of the organizations who make up our 2023 cohort.” —Christina Alvarez, Episcopal Impact Fund, Executive Director

With our Community Grants, we emphasize supporting organizations that provide housing to the most vulnerable members of our community. Our grantees work to provide temporary, transitional, or permanent supportive housing to local communities that are especially at risk—families experiencing homelessness, youth exiting foster care, and women escaping domestic violence.

We are grateful to partner with organizations such as Ariel Outreach Mission and Global Communication, Education and Art that provide culturally centered, stabilizing transitional housing to women and their children who are survivors of domestic violence or who may be experiencing homelessness. Greater Richmond Interfaith Program, Western Contra Costa County’s largest community-supported family homeless shelter, and WeHOPE, who offers hope and shelter in San Francisco and San Mateo counties, are responding to the critical homelessness crisis with committed case managers and services that ensure clients are best prepared to thrive. 3rd Street Youth Center & Clinic emphasizes an evidence-based Housing First model and serves young adults and foster youth by providing food, shelter, and placement in permanent housing.

We are honored to support their work.

The recipients of the 2023 Episcopal Impact Fund Community Grants are:

  • 3rd Street Youth Center & Clinic Partnering with the City of San Francisco to operate the Lower Polk TAY (transition age youth) Navigation Center, providing shelter, meals and case management to youth and young adults. Additional services include a medical clinic, youth development programs and educational support.

  • Ariel Outreach Mission Providing temporary housing and support services to women and their children in crisis, as well as other grassroots support services for very low-income residents of East Oakland and the East Bay.

  • Beyond Emancipation Working with youth exiting foster care, providing housing, coaching and other services to empower youth to achieve successful and independent adult lives.

  • Global Communication, Education and Art Helping immigrants from Africa with housing support services, legal assistance, employment help, and other support services through a community-based model.

  • Greater Richmond Interfaith Program Providing the only shelter for families experiencing homelessness in Western Contra Costa County. Services include case management, housing navigation and youth programs.

  • New Creation Home Ministries Providing temporary housing to women experiencing violence, addiction, and homelessness and their children.

  • Oakland Elizabeth House Providing cooperative supportive housing and services to women with children while helping them transition to independent living.

  • Raphael House Providing family-centered shelter to low-income families and those experiencing homelessness to help them achieve stability and independence.

  • WeHOPE Supporting people to become healthy, employed, and housed using innovative solutions, including a low-barrier 24/7 shelter with case management services, transitional and permanent housing, as well as mobile homeless services.

  • Winter Nights Family Shelter Partnering with congregations in Contra Costa County to provide families with shelter and meals in indoor tents 38 weeks per year.​

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