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Because of your support for Episcopal Impact Fund…

Beyond Emancipation is supporting young people as they imagine and create their own life beyond foster care.

Kamilah and Lena: Building a better life together with Beyond Emancipation.

"When I think of the word emancipation, I think of liberation. We are focused on ensuring that all youth exiting care feel truly liberated from the system." Vanetta Johnson, Executive Director, Beyond Emancipation

Since 1995, B:E (Beyond Emancipation) has been supporting young men and women to rise above the significant challenges of life in foster care and begin to build lives full of possibilities. B:E contributes to the quality and health of Bay Area communities by supporting their clients as they become adults.

"B:E coach, Miss Kim, is my backup and always on my side. She treats me like one of her daughters and Kamilah like one of her grandkids. I’ve never had someone have my back like Miss Kim." —Lena, B:E client

Each year, B:E provides services and support to over 600 current and former foster youth in Alameda County. B:E provides coaching and services such as housing, education, employment and transitions.

"The grant from Episcopal Impact Fund allows us to maintain our ongoing commitment to foster care youth exiting the system in the Bay Area." —Julia Lakes, Director of Development, Beyond Emancipation

By serving as coaches to youth leaving the foster care system, B:E is ensuring that they have the opportunity to build the lives they dream of. Believing in a young person can make all the difference. Episcopal Impact Fund is proud to partner with Beyond Emancipation as they support youth and their families.

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